Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How the Brain Works and Design

Not only does the “How Stuff Works” web site provide written information about how the brain works, explanations of short and long-term memory and how memories are retrieved, but also shows images of the brain as it describes how memories are encoded. In addition, there is assessment to test your memory, techniques for improving memory and related articles about further scientific study of the brain to unlock its mysteries. This is a great site read, see, and explore how the brain functions.

Chunking refers to the information processing strategy of dividing large and/or complex information into simpler and/or smaller pieces so the brain can more easily digest new information. The reason the brain needs this assistance is because working memory holds a limited amount of information at one time. The article “Chunking Information” on the eLearning Coach site provides practical design strategies for eLearning courses:

Big Dog Little Dog's Performance Juxstaposition site provides the article: Reigeluth's Elaboration Theory for Instructional Design. Here designers find seven detailed steps for using the “chunking” method along with a variety of helpful design information including Gagne's nine steps of instruction, Rapid Instructional Design techniques, free design templates and more!

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